Act One, Scene Two

Act 1, Scene 2I fly to San Francisco this weekend to participate in a really cool festival produced by the Un-Scripted Theater Co. called “Act One, Scene Two.” It’s a show that’s one part scripted and nine parts improvised.

The site explains it best:

Here’s how “Act One, Scene Two” works: each performance is a collaboration with a different playwright. At the beginning of the show, we interview our featured playwright onstage to find out what makes him or her tick. Then, that evening’s actors do a cold “staged” reading of act one, scene one of the play, which was written for us by our playwright. When we finish the scripted portion, the actors continue on to finish the play — now un-scripted — starting from act one, scene two.

The goal is to finish the play as it might have been intended, continuing to honor the genre, style, and intent of the first scripted scene, creating a piece that causes everyone — playwright, audience, and actors — great delight.

And they don’t just finish the play in 20 or so minutes. It’s a full show, 90 to 120 minutes. All of that is improv. Based off my 10-page intro scene. Yeah, I know. Cool, right?

I’ll have to try out this whole mobile blogging thing and update from the road. Or maybe I’ll get so wrapped up in it all and just give a recap. Either way, I’m excited.

If you’re reading this and in the San Francisco area, please come out on Saturday, May 5, to the Phoenix Theater (414 Mason St, SF  – 6th floor) at 8 p.m. for the show. It’ll be fun. Afterwards, we’ll get a drink.

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Jeans for When You’re Feeling Blue

Blue Jeans by Kshitij DewanThere are a lot of depressed women in the world. I can tell, because they’re wearing jeans.

According to a study conduced by Professor Karen Pine at the University of Hertfordshire in the U.K., women choose to wear clothes based on their emotional states. When surveyed, more than 50 percent of surveyed women said they wore jeans when depressed. One third of them only wore jeans when they were happy.

Match those jeans with a baggy top–57 percent of women said they wore those when depressed–and you have one really sad female.

If you want to change your mood, though, change your clothes. Yes, it’s really that simple. Science wouldn’t lie to you.

“This finding shows that clothing doesn’t just influence others, it reflects and influences the wearer’s mood too,” Pine said. “Many of the women in this study felt they could alter their mood by changing what they wore. This demonstrates the psychological power of clothing and how the right choices could influence a person’s happiness.”

Your happy clothes should enhance your figure, be well cut and made from bright and beautiful fabrics, says Pine, who obviously doesn’t know about Rocky Mountain jeans from the 1990s.

“Jeans don’t look great on everyone,” Pine said. “They are often poorly cut and badly fitting. Jeans can signal that the wearer hasn’t bothered with their appearance. People who are depressed often lose interest in how they look and don’t wish to stand out, so the correlation between depression and wearing jeans is understandable. Most importantly, this research suggests that we can dress for happiness, but that might mean ditching the jeans.”

While you’re ditching those jeans, you might want to watch your typing, too. New research shows that “words spelled with more letters on the right of the keyboard are associated with more positive emotions than words spelled with more letters on the left.” (Beautiful Mind moment: Jeans, the word, has more letters on a keyboard’s left side.)

Cognitive scientists Kyle Jasmin of University College London and Daniel Casasanto of The New School for Social Research, New York showed that there is a link between a word’s meaning and how it’s typed.

Why should the positions of the keys matter? The authors suggest that because there are more letters on the left of the keyboard midline than on the right, letters on the right might be easier to type, which could lead to positive feelings. In other words, when people type words composed of more right-side letters, they have more positive feelings, and when they type words composed of more left-side letters, they have more negative feelings.

Well, then, that explains the seesaw of emotions I’ve experienced writing this entry.

(Photo via Flickr: Kshitij Dewan / Creative Commons)

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The Way We Read

"Online News" by Mike LichtIf you’re anything like me, you bounce around various news and magazine sites daily on the Internet. It’s rare that I consume one site totally. I more often graze on information like a starving student at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

This is common for a majority of Internet users. According to new research from the University of Missouri, “Internet users often do not make the conscious decision to read news online, but they come across news when they are searching for other information or doing non-news related activities online, such as shopping or visiting social networking sites.”

“Incidental exposure to online news is becoming a major way for many people to receive information about news events,” said Borchuluun Yadamsuren, a post-doctoral fellow at the Reynolds Journalism Institute in the University of Missouri School of Journalism. “However, many people don’t realize how their news reading behavior is shifting to more  serendipitous discovery.”

Yadamsuren surveyed almost 150 people and found that they experience online news in three different ways. The first way is specifically on news sites. The second way they’re exposed to news is via non-news sites and activities, such as social networking sites and checking email. The third way is by just happening upon news while conducting other Web searches.

Because of the many ways people come into contact with news, Yadamsuren believes organizations should have links to their stories on various Internet sites as much as possible.

Fair enough. But just having links doesn’t necessarily mean people are going to read it. For a perspective on that, we turn to an interesting piece called “The Top 5 Things That Bother Me About This Headline.”

In it, writer Alissa Walker questions how the Internet is changing the way she writes.

“…when I saw how a slight tweak to my text would make my page views skyrocket, I became a convert. Now, instead of organizing my thoughts into pithy paragraphs for readers, I engineer my words so they’re algorithmically attractive. I rewrite my headlines to make them more enticing to Google. I tag them with dozens of relevant phrases to boost my authority on specific topics. I add search terms to my text to further optimize my SEO ranking. I admit that I don’t totally understand what that last sentence even means.”

Meaning is what we writers and readers are constantly trying to find. What can I write that means something to someone? How do I find stories that mean something to me? There are no easy answers, because they rely on personal choices. You’re never going to write something meaningful if you’re creating quick-list articles. And you’re never going to read anything meaningful online if you’re always making the excuse that you don’t have time to read.

Where, then, is that middle ground? How do you find meaningful stories for yourself? What attracts you to online stories and news?

(Photo via Flickr: Mike Licht / Creative Commons)

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Why Engagement Matters

"Disengaged" by drinksmachineNational Novel Writing Month is in November. I tried it once. I didn’t succeed. Writing more than 1,666 words a day is hard, especially if you have an editing and writing job. After a day’s work, I just want to come home and do anything but write or read for a few hours. Then by the time I want to write, it’s time for The Daily Show. Can’t miss that! Then it’s The Colbert Report. Have to watch that, too! Oh, look, it’s 11 p.m. What’s on Facebook? A few hours later, it’s time for bed. National Novel Writing Month, I hardly knew you.

There’s another national writing project that happens each month, though. It’s National Blog Posting Month. Writing a blog post a day seems totally doable, primarily because there’s no word count requirement or need for a complete story. If I want to write about banshees one day and then write about the dangers of electricity the next, as Bobby Brown would say, that’s my prerogative. It just takes engagement on my end.

Engagement, however, is difficult. A recent Gallup poll found that 71 percent of  U.S. workers were “‘not engaged’ or ‘actively disengaged’ in their work, meaning they are emotionally disconnected from their workplaces and are less likely to be productive.”

And who are these less engaged workers that are bringing down production? They’re primarily college educated, men, and between the ages of 30 and 64. Oh dear, I’m in my prime disengagement period.

A perceived lack of progress or the fear of layoffs are two of the main reasons employees are less engaged in their work. Leaders, though, can mitigate the lack of engagement, according to Gallup:

Every manager can play a role in engaging workers by clarifying expectations, getting employees what they need to do their work, giving workers recognition when they do good work, encouraging employee development, helping workers connect to the broader purpose of the organization, and frequently measuring and discussing progress. The managers and departments within organizations that do these things are more likely to produce high-quality work and help their organizations grow and improve the wellbeing of their workforce.

Now while I believe a lot of workplace issues are due to mismanagement and poor communication from leaders, they shouldn’t solely take the blame. Employees should communicate with their employers about what’s bothering them. They should have honest conversations, without fear of retribution, about an organization’s direction and their role in that direction. Unfortunately, there’s usually a huge highway between employers and employees.

The Gallup poll says that employees younger than 30 or older than 65 are more engaged. That raises the question: Are these age groups just happily employed due to economic conditions?

Increasing engaged workers could spur job growth, according to the Gallup report. But maybe people don’t care about things such as job growth, seats at the table, and money anymore. Maybe 30- to 64-year-old, non-engaged worker concerns are about other things, such as time, family, and spiritual matters. Maybe to them, work is just work, so why be engaged in it? Get in, get enough money, and get out as soon as you can in time to enjoy the rest of your life. If that is your plan, then maybe being more engaged will get you there sooner. Or maybe not. Maybe you’re more engaged in throwing a Frisbee with friends every afternoon.

What I’m saying is choose your focus. Figure out what you ultimately want in life and do it. Maybe it’s working hard every day. Maybe it’s writing a daily blog post. Whatever it is, figure it out for yourself and be engaged in it, because there’s nothing worse in this world than a life half lived.

(Photo via Flickr: drinksmachine / Creative Commons)

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Practice May Not Be Perfect

Outliers Malcolm GladwellOne of my goals this year is to write more so that I can become a better writer. If I’m not writing on, then I’m doing my best to write at least 20 minutes a day.

Why do I do this? Well, I love writing; however, I also know that practice makes perfect. Or so I thought.

Now comes along Zach Hambrick from the University of Michigan. He says that working memory capacity may be what ultimately makes a person great.

“While the specialized knowledge that accumulates through practice is the most important ingredient to reach a very high level of skill, it’s not always sufficient,” said Hambrick, associate professor of psychology. “Working memory capacity can still predict performance in complex domains such as music, chess, science and maybe even in sports that have a substantial mental component such as golf.”

Hambrick says that when someone such as Malcolm Gladwell writes that practice is what separates those who are good and great, he’s wrong.

“The evidence is quite clear: A high level of intellectual ability puts a person at a measurable advantage–and the higher the better.”

However, it’s still not known if a person can improve his general intelligence, because a lot of it based in genetics and environments.

“We hold out hope that cognitive training of some sort may produce these benefits,” Hambrick said. “But we have yet to find the magic bullet.”

Until then, I’ll keep practicing.

Which do you find makes you greater in your chosen pursuit: intelligence or practice?

(Photo credit via Flicker: Alastair McDermott / Creative Commons)

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I Won’t Hold Your Hand

One of blogging’s cardinal rules is to always to let a reader know the importance of an entry, to tie content together. For example, if I work in the dog-walking industry and I post an entry on our company’s official blog about, let’s say, NASA, then I should state up front why it’s important you read the blog entry and how it’s relevant to you in the dog-walking industry.

I’d like to respectfully disagree with that nonsense. You’re not a baby. You’re an intelligent reader who knows how to make connections between topics. There’s no need for me to hold your hand when you’re reading.

Think about it. Wait. That’s exactly what this content-tying rule is helping you not do. It takes away thought. It takes away the opportunity for readers to do some of the work themselves. Reading is a partnership between the writer and the reader. The content-tying rule negates that partnership.

“Oh, but people don’t have time to read much nowadays, so you need to tell them why what they’re reading is important,” I can hear you say. You know what? If they don’t have time to read and think, then I don’t want them reading my writing. I write for readers who are thinkers (this is not to suggest that I write esoteric things). I write for people who don’t need to be hand-held and overtly pointed out things. I write for people who take responsibility for their reading.

My stance is not a popular one in this day of quick reads and SEO needs. But I’m not in it for that. I’m in it for the long haul. I’m in it to get you to think for yourself.

What kind of reader are you?

(Photo credit: close to spectacular / creative commons)

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One Day Only 17

I did it again. I participated in Rover Dramawerks‘ One Day Only festival. It was my second time to be a writer for the event, and it went really well.

The short play I wrote is called “‘Fraid,” and the acting and direction were really well done. The whole process of putting on a play in 24 hours can be stressful, frustrating and bewildering. In the end, though, it’s a rewarding experience for all involved.

Tetra Media Group filmed the plays, and below is mine. I hope you enjoy it.

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One Day Only: Part 3, The Show

Poster for my play, "Busted," at the One Day Only Festival

I saw my 10-minute play, “Busted,” on Saturday night as part of Rover Dramawerks‘ One Day Only festival. This is the first time anything was performed for an audience that I had written. It turned out great.

I was concerned that what I had in mind, as far as how the dialog should be delivered and how the characters should act, would not come through to the director. That was a needless worry; the director, Ashley White, did a wonderful job. The actors were great, too. The casting was just who I had in mind for the roles.

My play seemed to be shorter than the others. Maybe it was, or maybe I was just concentrating on it so much that time went by quicker. I was confused during one part of the night, because my play was supposed to be the first one after the intermission. It ended up being moved to the second to last play of the night. Nothing wrong with that.

One thing I learned is to make sure I include specific technical directions in the script. For example, I envisioned a quick lights out at the end; however, the play ended with a slow fade out. That’s not a huge issue, though. I just think that a quicker lights out would have made the last line pop more.

I had a great experience participating in the festival, and I’m planning on doing it again in June. I’m not sure if it was recorded (Rover recorded shows from the last one); but if it was, as soon as a copy is available I’ll post it on here.

Now, I need to write more plays and get them on stage.

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Writing at the One Day Only Festival

I wrote my 10-minute play last night for Rover Dramawerks‘ One Day Only festival. After a meet-in-greet that included a speed-bonding exercise, we writers were stationed with laptops as the directors and actors went home.

The suggestion I drew from the hat was, “When I go walking I strut my stuff. I just might stop to check you out.” Ah, the Violent Femmes, a band I hadn’t listen to in a long time. It made me want to listen to them as I was writing my script; however, I didn’t bring my headphones with me. A couple of the other writers did; that was smart. Another writer changed into soft pants. Maybe smart?

I wrote my script first in long-hand. I kept remembering what my playwriting teacher kept telling me–overwrite at first, then cut. Writing it out long-hand really helped with the pruning round, because when I started to type, I automatically started cutting out lines and merging dialog.

In a 10-minute play, it’s hard to, as people say in improv, burn the leaves (really exploring a topic for awhile). I could have done that; however, I wanted to make sure I told a story while at the same time defining the relationship between the two main characters. I realize, in the end, my script may be brisk.

What I ended up writing about, and what I put as the play’s synopsis, is how being noticed carries a price. There’s some physical fighting between two women, some cattiness throughout, and, I hope, some questions raised about what it means to be noticed in the world and why one would or wouldn’t want to be noticed.

I think that’s a topic that can be explored in a future, longer play. I’ll be keeping it in my back pocket, for sure.

The writing experience was fun. I’m looking forward to watching all the plays tonight. It will be interesting to see how my play is brought alive by others and how they interpret the theme.

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One Day Only Festival

I’m participating tonight in something I’ve been wanting to do for years—taking part in Rover Dramawerks‘ One Day Only festival.

I’ve either been out of town or forgetful about signing up the last couple of years. This year, though, I made sure I was at my computer at the correct sign-in time. I had trouble signing up at first; the website wasn’t refreshing in my Chrome browser. I switched over to Firefox and made the cut, no problem.

The One Day Only festival brings together seven playwrights, seven directors, and approximately 40 actors. I’m participating as a playwright. I go to the theater tonight at 9 p.m. and work on an original 10-minute play throughout the evening until 5:30 a.m. The directors and actors arrive early in the morning and work on the plays all day, which are then presented at 8 p.m.

I’m not sure what my theme/suggestion will be (it will be drawn from a hat), so I’m not certain what kind of story I’ll write. I’m not worried, though, because I’m primarily there to have fun and experience the energy of producing a festival of plays in a 24-hour period.

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Lazy Takeaways

I’m growing increasingly frustrated with articles that offer information via bulleted or numbered lists.

Here’s an example:

  • November is a busy shopping month
    It is during this month that a lot of businesses go in the black.
  • December can get crazy shopping mad, too
    Because of multiple holidays in the month, there are a lot of shoppers out there.

I understand the reason behind it—readers rarely have time to read much anymore, so let’s bold the main takeaways so at least they have read and learned something. There are a lot of lazy readers out there, sure, but you’re only filling the slop bucket when you do things like this.

And that’s why I’m getting frustrated. I find myself just reading the bold, bulleted text, and then afterwards I feel guilty, like I did the writer a disservice by not reading the complete story. Does the writer care? If the writer put those bold, bulleted lists there, then maybe all the person cares about are eyes on a page and not deep, meaningful prose that may cause a reader to contemplate the ideas and news presented.

I may be in the minority; however, I’d rather read 1,000 words on a topic than short takeaways. If you really want to tell me what the story is about, then put it in your subhead or spell it out in the title. Just please stop with the lazy takeaways.

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New Tab!

I added a new tab, Writing Examples, where you can read some of my feature stories. Watch out, this site is starting to get fancy.

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